
In June 2017, I completed another spin around the sun (35 in all — gasp!) — it seemed like a good time to reflect upon my amazing life experiences and the learnings I have gathered from them. 
Here are my thirty-five reflections, one for each year but not in any order:

1. Be audacious — sky dive, quit your job to be a stay at home mom, be an entrepreneur — follow your heart!
2. Never say never — because life happens!
3. Live all by yourself at least once, it definitely teaches you two things — the value of family and to be careful in what you wish for!
4. Moms do have all the answers — from how to salvage your salty curry to dealing with that annoying ‘somebody’! (Thanks Mom for dealing with all my random questions!)
5. Have a 3 am friend (Irrespective of time zones!)
6. Don’t be afraid to bend the rules. If your toddler wants chips for dinner, give him chips for dinner (but don’t make it a habit!)
7. Everybody deserves a second chance (but think twice before giving them a third one!)
8. Fall in love — with people, places, books and just about anything you feel those flutters for. 
9. Not everyone will understand you the way you want to be understood. And that’s okay. 
10. Take a stand for what you believe in. Stay firm but do what you have to, to avoid an unnecessary argument. 
11. Prompt, nudge, do some drama. Sometimes you got to do what you got to do to get yours done. 
12. Change definitely is the only constant. 
13. Apologize if you have to. Say thank you whenever you get a chance. 
14. Trust the universe. 
15. In the words of Maya Angelou, ‘people may forget what you said or did to them. But they will never forget how you made them feel.’ Make people feel special. 
16. Not just the first but the second time around can be magical too. 
17. There’s no equal of sibling love and sisterhood. Cheers to that Nidhi!
18. Accumulate experiences not things. Stay decluttered. 
19. Kids are always observing you — and can always come up with stuff like Mommy why are you eating ketchup with your food?
20. Which reminds me ketchup sure can make anything taste fab!
21. There’s nothing like a good cry if that’s what you need. You can deal with the puffy eyes and dry throat later. 
22. Always have a wish list — A date with Shah Rukh Khan still number one on mine ;)
23. Small things are no BIG deal — kids will spill, husband will have to be reminded and you will get traffic when you’re in a rush!
24. Broken does not mean beyond repair. It just means it needs some attention and effort. Give it that. 
25. Hot chocolate fudge is the best dessert ever!
26. There’s no such thing as too much love (or too much hot chocolate fudge)!
27. The key elements of achievement are patience, timing and trusting the process. 
28. You are on your own journey; don’t waste your time in making comparisons. 
29. What goes around comes around. Keep your circle positive. 
30. Practice gratitude. It not only makes you aware of your abundance but also keeps you grounded. 
31. Smile. A lot. (My husband reminds me enough and more about this!!)
32. Be true to yourself. You owe it to yourself. 
33. Stay in touch with family and friends. It is always worth the effort. 
34. Manifestation is real. You create your own reality. 
35. No matter how old you’re getting the rest of your life is waiting to happen!