Unleash the Power of your Purpose


Unleash the Power of your Purpose


What to expect:

You will receive an email with the link to book your session. The time blocked on the calendar is for three hours, however, I do recommend keeping a buffer of 30 minutes before your next appointment.

Pre-work: You will also receive instructions for a 45-minutes reflection activity, that you can complete in your own time before our session.

During the session: Create space for a soul-stirring conversation - minimize distractions, keep a journal, bottle of water, a small snack and a pack of Kleenex (happy tears!) close by. We will take a break (or two) as needed. Most importantly come with an open heart to receive messages from the Universe!

After the session: Your purpose statement is never ‘done and dusted’. This is just the beginning of a life-long pursuit!

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Have you ever witnessed the energy of light focused through a magnifying glass? In its diffused state, the light may seem scattered and go unnoticed, , the concentrated energy of light, however, has the power to start a fire. Further narrowing the focus of that energy, as with a laser beam, it acquires the power to cut through steel. A clear sense of purpose is that laser beam, which enables you to focus your efforts on what makes you come alive, persuading you to power through regardless of any odds or obstacles.

German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once thought aloud, ‘…who has a why can endure any how.’ Uncovering your why can be an insightful first step in designing how to craft a life you unabashedly enjoy living for yourself and others.

As is true for any adventure, there’s no one pathway for discovering your life's purpose, there are many ways you can gain deeper insight into yourself, and a larger perspective on what it is that you have to offer the world.

Whether you call it your raison d'etre, your ikigai, your why, or your north star, it is not a treasure to hunt or question to answer, neither is it the panacea for all your wounds or the ‘x’ that marks the spot, it is simply our internal compass that orients us in the direction that we want to go. During this three-hour intensive, together we will uncover and articulate your purpose.

Remember, the knowingness of your purpose does not come fully formed, you discover it by being open to its pursuit. That openness is the first step to crafting a life that you love.